Welcome to my Website

About Me

A picture of my (now passed) American Pitbull Mayham asleep on a bed

Welcome! My name is Spencer Kamrowski and this is my site. I created this site because I'm passionate about learning how to code and program web pages among other things as well as because it's required in my Web and Software Design Class at Western Technical College. I'm in the process of the long journey of learning to code through multiple languages in multiple classes, doing so because I've always enjoyed the idea and thought behind creating digital spaces such as websites, media, and video games. It's a tough and long road, but I have every intention of sticking it out.

Above, you may have noticed the picture of my (now unfortunatly passed) dog, Mayham. He was my best friend for a long time, but unfortunatly had to be put down due to a tumor that was causing him pain. Between tensions in my family, greiving, and other issues present in everyday life, I have been left struggling a lot of in a rough patch for finding motivation, but despite that I am still trying to do my absolute hardest to keep everything together and continue on. I have a lot to take pride in as well such as my 2001 Pontiac Bonneville and my skill in driving it (even though I only have a permit at the moment). I'm also shamelessly addicted to video games, which is a bad thing, but it also was the primary driver to start learning multiple coding languages so it's providing some benefits.