Welcome to my Hobbies

About Me

Welcome to my blog post about my hobbies! A big hobby and inspiration in my life (as mentioned on my home page) is gaming. From a young age I was intorduced to the wonders of technology, specially experianced through the magic of video games. Starting wehn I was young, I would constantly play games with my family on the Nintendo Wii, nothing quite ever beat those family game sessions. From there I slowly progressed through other slightly older consoles like the GameCube or Super Nintendo at the willingness of my family members to entertain an annoying kid with. I spent hours upon hours on countless nights staying up light just to play something as silly as Animal Crossing" or "Super Mario Sunshine"

It wouldn't be until years later, wehn I was 10 years old or so, that I would be gifted my first hand-me-down Xbox 360. From there it was one of the only consoles I ever played on despite the fact that I had almost no games for it nor online access due to my young age and not having access to purchase the online subscriptions. Despite it all it was the beginning of a currently ongoing era of sticking with the Xbox brand and making it a (probably unhealthy) minor part of my character. I remember the sheer emotions I felt when I was able to go temporarily online for a short period, which net me a new repetitive game called "Spelunky" which I would spend more countless hours playing to this very day.

From then on I advanced to the Xbox One S thanks to my parent's dedication to making me happy. This is where I got more into the gaming scene as I was able to use chore money to buy a semi-consistant stream of online access. I got into many muliplayer games which, for better or worse, again would start molding my character in minor ways. I admit I became a little violent with the games and sometimes take them too seriously, but they act as an escape to an otherwise boring life. Since then I have continued on and while Xbox hasn't gone through many changes, I too have halted as I continue to be sort of lost in the scheme of money spending on these almost pointless services. It's not a perfect or even particularly good cycle, but I enjoy it nontheless.