Welcome to my Hobbies

Web and Software Development

Welcome to my blog post about a topic I learned in Web and Sofwtare Development! By far one of the most basic, yet influential, topics we discussed in my Web and Software Development class would have to be loops in JavaScript. I already had some practice on the use of "while" loops in my Intro to Java class, so learning the more simple and easier to use form in JavaScript was a piece of cake. For example, in Java you have to carefully and often manually align the code blocks up so the code is read right, whereas in JavaScript it is almost entirely automated or irrelvent!

To put into perspective, here is an example of a while loop I had to make in this very class as just an example: "while(guess != "George Washington"){

guess = prompt("Who was the first president of the US?");


Isn't it just astounding? Such a simple and basic string of words allows you to ask an endless array of questions on even the most basic web pages due to the fact that it's just a built in mode of creation. We didn't get the oppertunity to practice with loops much beyond the most primitive basics for our assigment and in-class activity, but theres so much untapped potential there.